Successful season start of MS Kart drivers at Slovakiaring

    The new racing season of Rotax Max Challenge Czech Republic, Slovakian Championship and Moravian Cup started in mid-April at Slovakiaring. MS KART RACING TEAM presented itself in the opening race with a strong line-up and many new faces.

    Extreme weather conditions with heavy torrential rain made the race really difficult not only for the drivers and mechanics, but also for the race organisers, who had to repeatedly drain water from the track during Friday and Saturday practice sessions. However, despite the extremely challenging conditions, we witnessed beautiful battles on the track on Sunday, from which the MS KART drivers took four great victories and totaly 11 podium rankings.

    Rotax DD2 Masters – MSR & RMC CZ
    P1 #511 Martin Konopka / K KART Racing Team
    P3 #571 Libor Kment / Kancsár Racing

    P1 #72 Tadeáš Radvan / MS KART Racing Team

    Rotax Junior Max – MP
    P1 #69 Lukáš Tomášek / MS KART Racing Team

    Rotax Senior Max – MSR & RMC CZ
    P14 #88 Tomáš Filipenský / MS KART Racing Team
    P15 #300 Natálie Kadlecová / MS KART Racing Team

    Rotax Senior Max – MP
    P3 #337 Lucie Zimmelová / MS KART Racing Team

    Rotax Micro Max – MSR & RMC CZ
    P2 #79 Jan Dostál / Doss Kart
    P3 #77 Filip Rabas / Kopecký Racing Team

    Rotax Micro Max – MP
    P2 #78 Jakub Dostál / Doss Kart
    P4 #27 Jakub Kopecký / Kopecký Racing Team
    P6 # 76 Rozálie Rabasová / Kopecký Racing Team

    KZ2 Senior
    P1 #888 Boris Nedorost / Nedorost Boris
    P5 #537 David Kadlec / MS KART Racing Team

    Big thanks to all the drivers and mechanics as well as to all parents and other team members for their support and cooperation.

    Thanks to Jakub Rovný & RACE.SK for the great pictures.

    We look forward to seeing you at the next race, which will be held in the beginning of June in Vysoké Mýto.

    Looking back at the 2024 season

    The 2024 season is over and it was once again a ride full of adrenaline, emotions and unforgettable moments. For the drivers, mechanics and everyone behind