The junior team on MS Prokart chassis enjoyed a great day at the last race of the BPEC (British Prokart Endurace Championshio) series in Shenington and tokk the second place!
“I went to watch and Mark asked me if I wanted to try Gracie’s kart (silly question Mark),” says Alfie Briggs. “I had a go and loved it, I wasn’t far off the pace so they asked me if I’d race in their team for the 6hr enduro race.”
“What a race! I did a 80 minute stint and loved it. It was so good for my kart fitness, overtaking practise and confidence” says Alfie.
I’d like to thank Mark for the invite, Gracie for letting me try her kart and Paul Franklin for welcoming me into the team.
Well done everyone in the team; Gracie, Bella and Jack for the great driving. Mark, Paul and Owen for the pit stops and strategy, we came 2nd in jnr pro class thanks again see you all soon.