MS KART Racing Team said goodbye at the home track in Písek

Could there be any better way how to say goodbye to the racing season than on the last joint practice day… ?

On Saturday the 16th October MS KART Racing Team drivers and mechanics met in Písek at the Hradiště kart circuit to have the last common training together this year.

Sunny and warm weather was literally “to order” and with a great group of people we enjoyed the whole day at full throttle, not only on the circuit, but also in the evening at the party and price giving….

Many thanks to all the drivers, mechanics, engine tuners, parents and everyone else who took part in the teamwork this year.

We are already looking forward to the next season together 🙂

Looking back at the 2024 season

The 2024 season is over and it was once again a ride full of adrenaline, emotions and unforgettable moments. For the drivers, mechanics and everyone behind