Round 1 of BPEC Warden Law: great chance to get back on track at Warden Law, one of the best Pro Kart tracks in the UK.
Massive congratulations to all the teams competing was good to see 31 on the grid for the first round.
1st – 42 MS Lucas
2nd – 3 team Hunter
3rd – 43 MS Soco Select
MS Lucas dominated the day with a mega display of driving from all team members, particularly in the tricky conditions when it rained mid race, well done. Team Hunter and MS Soco Select were in a huge fight for 2nd place going down to the last few laps with the Hunter boys getting 2nd and 43 close behind in 3rd. Team Baron 5th overall, 4th in class having survived a huge crash towards the end of the race.
Pro class win went to the team Tate’s with just two drivers Mark and Scott , a well deserved win. 2nd place went to team 11 MS Karts with a strong first result, excellent drive from Jake, Dan and Will. 4th place in Pro to Team Keane leading until a broken seat slowed them down! They managed to bodge it to the end.
Big shout out to Rob “ The Rocket “ Stanners on a great drive.
The win went to 000 CRH Plant a ever improving team and their second win of the year, 3rd place SMJC, well done.
Yet again another fantastic event run by the BPEC team including Bobby , Ange, John, Matt, James , Barry, Jamie and Ade, also thanks to Gordon Welsh for the awesome photos!